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Jamie's Chocolate Mousse Surprise

Updated: Oct 24, 2021

When this Jamie Oliver YouTube video came across my screen last week, I knew I had to try it.

A vegan chocolate mousse that ticks all the boxes for chocolaty, creamy, delish and a beautiful presentation to top it off.

What do we have? A chocolate egg perched on a mound of chocolate mousse, filled with fresh fruit and a maraschino cherry.

Vegan you say? How is that possible? Well, using 70% cacao chocolate, coconut cream and avocado, yields a super creamy mousse you would never guess wasn't made with whipped cream!

I made the recipe exactly per his instructions. In hindsight I would have made half the recipe for the mousse (as I am about to toss it this morning and you know what overripe avocados taste like 🤢.

Use the second avocado for guacamole or a Prawn Cocktail.

Totally best eaten freshly made or with no more than a couple of hours in the fridge. When you scoop the mousse out of the bowl, rinse a spoon under hot water before every serving, that way it comes out nice and smooth and shiny!

I macerated some strawberries with a little castor sugar and lemon juice for the chocolate shell filling. Hiding underneath are some nice fresh organic raspberries

The maraschino cherry on top and syrup is a really nice finishing touch and flavor. I always have them on hand for Manhattans.

First pass with the chocolate "paint"

Avocado, coconut cream, cocoa powder and melted chocolate ready for a whirl

Beautiful, light and creamy mousse!!

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